Residential Program Update

RISE Update

Last semester we shared that we were excited to launch a new residential leadership program that would allow single moms in college to be a part of their college community, live affordably and lean on each other for support. You can read more about that HERE. Unfortunately, plans changed due to circumstances beyond our control, and we were unable to move forward as planned. While we were disappointed, we aren’t giving up on pursuing the plans we feel God placed on our hearts.

We have been diligent in discovering alternatives for the Fall semester. We look forward to sharing an update on this soon.

Future expansion

Simultaneously, we have been looking at what it would take to build our own facility with onsite childcare and possibly a laundry service where moms can be employed as we hone the program and grow our waitlist for the program. We have some real possibilities and covet your prayers as we consider what to do moving forward. It takes a village!

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