Christmas Kick-Off Celebration

Thank you to all who came to MOX Life’s Christmas Celebration this past Friday. It was an easy-going event with talk of past holiday traditions and the introduction of a new one for our moms and their children-  the advent calendar, seen below. With talk of new and old traditions, it’s a good reminder that sometimes we have traditions in place as adults that we didn’t even realize.

One of the examples that came up originated around a mom who every year put up a small tree in her kids room, but decided to skip doing the next year… since the kid did not seem to enjoy it. It was the year skipped that the child asked why the mom was not initiating the tradition again, and the mom realized she’d inadvertently set one.

Going forward, please be aware of the many ways children assign meaning to your actions, and you may find you have a tradition you hadn’t thought of.


Special guests shared their gift of music, and sang songs that reminded us to keep “Christ” in Christmas. Leaving it to others to teach our children the songs that celebrate God is not enough, so Thank you again for the reminder.

Next up is MOMentum’s Pancakes and Pajamas. This Christmas party is going to be the perfect end to the semester- don’t miss this opportunity to wear your favorite lounge-wear! Register at Don’t forget to bring a friend.

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